Friday, June 15, 2007

Lucid Dream, Time Travel

June 28, 1979

This dream occurred in the afternoon after I fell asleep while trying to astral project to the future. My intention was to go into the future and find a calendar or some way of ascertaining the date. When that future date arrived I would be able to verify the experience.

I awoke walking in the country. I say I awoke because I felt completely conscious and lucid. I remembered my plan and wondered if I had succeeded. I wondered what time and place I was in. Then I realized I was a little boy, around eight years old, although my adult memory was intact.

I joined the two families that were standing around two covered wagons. There were eight kids (counting myself) and five adults. I knew I was part of one of the families. My family was very close and very religious -- Christian. I went over to another little boy about my age named Mike and asked him what year it was. He said it was 1858. Everyone accepted me as if nothing was wrong so I played along trying to fit in and wondering what I should do. I played with the other children, ate dinner with everyone, and slept with them that night.

The next day we continued our journey in the wagons. In the afternoon we stopped for the day and had a meal. After eating, while everyone was still together, I stood up and addressed the group. I told them I was astral projecting from the year 1979 and I did not know how to return. I said I was worried because I had already been there about 24 hours. The length of my visit made me think I had somehow become stuck there in the wrong time. The adults chuckled among themselves and talked about my overactive imagination. The children were bewildered. They had no idea what I was talking about. No one believed I was serious. The group broke up and everyone went about his business.

I approached the oldest son in our group when he was alone. I pulled out my wallet and showed him my driver's license and student identification card to substantiate my story. He did not believe me until I showed him several US coins bearing various future years. The coins convinced him that I was telling the truth. I then realized if I had astral projected back in time and possessed a little boy, I would not have my wallet and coins. I still felt lucid and awake. I wondered if I was having a very vivid dream rather than an astral projection. I decided if I could fly, then I would know I was dreaming.

I walked over beside one of the wagons and tried to fly. I could. I flew around the clearing so that everyone could see. The children clapped in delight and the adults stared in amazement. Everyone watched. I was no longer concerned about being stuck in the wrong time. I knew I was dreaming. I tried to convince everyone that I was asleep in my bed in 1979 and that they were products of my dream. My attempt was futile. They had their world and I had mine.

Later, I accidentally broke Mike's favorite toy. I tried to give him one of my bicentennial quarters to make amends. I dropped the quarter. When I bent to pick it up I found a handful of coins on the ground from before 1858. They were all halves and dollars. I put them in my pocket to take back with me as proof of my visit.

I called the families together and said that soon I would fly away and never come back. I said I wanted to tell them about the future before I left. I told them about the Civil War. I told them that three important battles would be at Vicksburg, Gettysburg, and Appomattox. I told them that General Grant was going to be President. I told them many more things about their future. Then I said goodbye, left them, and woke up.

Copyright 2007 Jon Maloney


Anonymous said...

honestly, I've done a time travel lucid dream before...these kinds of dreams are very very interesting.

in mine, I am walking down a sidewalk go lucid and realize I had travelled about 14 or 15 months into the past...I was walking to work, and when i got there, i tried telling everyone about what had with you, nobody believed me.

I started to panic, thinking I was stuck in this time, too. I fell down on the floor writhing in agony and as I did this, I suddenly calmed down because I could sense that I was now lying my dream body in the same position as my real body was in the bed. I woke up.

Jon Maloney said...

Aren't those dreams neat? It's amazing how awake you feel and how vivid the world is, yet your analytical mind doesn't work right. For example, in my dream I picked up the coins to take back as proof and I explained the future to the dream folk although I knew they were dream folk.

Thanks for sharing your dream.


Anonymous said...

So, did you have the coins with you when you woke?

Jon Maloney said...

I wish.

Kevin Davis said...

How do you go about doing it???

Jon Maloney said...

Kevin, There are many books devoted to teaching how to astral project, lucid dream, time travel, or experience other psychic phenomena. Here's a list of my books on astral projection.

My experiences suggest that just about any technique will work occasionally, if practised. I've had the most success projecting by doing the following.

1. Practise remembering dreams.
2. Think about astral projection often, so that it's always in your mind.
3. Lie comfortably, progressively flex and relax all your major muscle groups, breath deeply, try to keep your mind blank by quieting your inner voice, and try to keep your mind awake even after your body has gone to sleep.

Good luck!


Alex said...

Can you explain how it is possible to time travel? I have many dates in my time that I would like to revisit.

Jon Maloney said...

Alex, I wish I knew how to time travel. Simply remembering events is one method of time travelling, but I suspect you want to relive events more vividly than that. One approach that might work sometimes, would be to practice remembering your dreams, practice lucid dreaming, and go to sleep thinking about the times you want to visit.


Kyle Heyd said...

this was just last night and it freaked me the fuck out, excuse my language, but literally shook me to the core to the point i was trying to get out of the dream.
now im quite familiar with lucid dreams and theyve always come and gone and i never thought too much about it, but last night was overwhelming.
i was with charles manson and tex watson, it was back in the day, mustve been right round the time of the murders, probably right after considering charlie was looking for a new location to set up another ranch. we were searching through an abandoned neighborhood and all these collapsing run down houses. everything was so vivid and i was so aware of who i was with, it was wierd, to say the least. we ended up finding a really nice area, but it seemed like, although i was cooperating and following charlie around, that he had some sort of plot to off me. i panicked and made some excuse to leave them and frantically tried to find a way out. the area was so desecrated that i was having a very difficult time. it ended up that a concrete slab from an upper floor fell on me and i ended up waking up.. though i was still in the moment the second i woke.

long story short, this is why i googled lucid dream time travel to see if anyone has had any sort of similar experiences.. im still reeling from mine, that is for sure.

Jon Maloney said...

Hi Kyle,

Isn't it amazing how real some dreams can feel?

I'm old enough to remember the Tate-LaBianca murders. I liked the 1976 movie Helter Skelter starring Steve Railsback as Manson, and I read the 1989 edition of The Family by Ed Sanders. That was a very detailed account. I remember feeling like I knew everyone involved after reading it. I've never dreamed about being with those folks though.

Thanks for posting.


Leigh Kennedy said...

I know this post is old.

Anyway, I dreamt I was able to time travel into the future and when I did, I took many photos so I could prove it.

It felt so real and I can still remember every little bit!

Jon Maloney said...

That's neat, Leigh. I once dreamt a friend took me back in time and I took my camera so I could takes pictures for proof that I'd really gone back in time. When we arrived, the men that were there told me cameras weren't allowed. Pretty funny.

Thanks for commenting.


Unknown said...

this was just yesterday... I had this dream, i saw my dad with one of my uncles sitting in an old building, i recognised d house cos i grew up in that house.....
In dis dream i wasn't born by then, but i knew i ve travelled like 30yrs back, my dad n uncle were looking so young n strong... I saw my elder brother with me whom my dad recognised, he asked my brother who i am, he told him i am his son, he was happy as he reach out and hug me, he knew we came From the future cos he asked me how my mom is and hope he(my dad) is still alive...
I spent a nite with them without been worried cos i knew i saw dreaming..
The next day my dad gathered all his relatives for me to tell dem abt the future. First i told my dad n uncle that they are still alive but live in the village now. He asked after my mom, i told him she's fine, i saw a lovely smile on his face..
Then i saw another man who i recognised, he was shocked as i called him by his name, i told him that he d richest among everyone there, but my revelation cause misunderstanding among dem, but i saw my dad looking at me with a lovely smile, walking towards him i woke up and feel so weak..
Pls can u give me any ideal why i saw all these... Cos i didn't think of the past..

Jon Maloney said...

That's a wonderful dream. I'm sure it was neat to dream about your family before you were born. I can't interpret dreams, at least not with any confidence. Dreams are so personal that I think only the dreamer can know what they mean. Here's an idea though. If the dream had a purpose maybe the purpose wasn't for you, but for your father. Perhaps before you were born your father dreamt that you visited him from the future, and you gave him comfort about the future. He learned that in his child's future, he and his wife are doing well and had moved to the village. He felt love for you and appreciated your visit.

What a great dream. Thanks for sharing it.


Anonymous said...

Last night I was with Jackie Kennedy and a group of supporters. She was on her famous pink outfit. We must have been at the hotel in Fort worth. Everyone gathered around and said a type of prayer. I remember being fully aware that I was from this time and I knew all of what was going to happen in a few hours. I wished her well and went inside to later watch the assanation unfold on the old television. I woke up only to research where they were, who they were with, and even so much as fashion trends and the weather at that time on the 22nd.

I have never researched the Kennedy's nor would I know on detail what happened before they flew into Dallas. I never believed in time travel until today. I look forward to it again. She was one sweet and well poised lady. I have a whole new respect for her.

Jon Maloney said...

That's an interesting experience. I'm surprised you didn't warn her. I guess you were asleep, dreaming, and knew you were dreaming. Thanks for posting.


lurker said...

hi, I found your blog and I would like to know where I can read more about time travel in dreams. I've had 3 dreams where I traveled back to the 60's, when I wasn't even born. It was the most vivid experience I ever had in any dream, I wish I had never got back ti this era. In one of the dreams i had a fashion magazine from that time and I remember that when I woke up, I was uncredible disappointed to no have the magazine. IT's ridiculous, I know but the feeling was real, I was there in the time, everyone dressed and looked like they were part of that era. I'm not obsessed with that era, if anything I would rather be back to the 80s, lol so it's weird that I traveled back to the 60s. Also I'm a very skeptical person, never really believed much in astral travel and these shenanigans, but the experience made me think it's possible, it wasn't some random common dream; Please, guide me to more literature about this subject. Thank you for your wonderful post!

Jon Maloney said...


If you search Google for -- time travel dream -- you'll see many pages that interpret time travel dreams. I've never believed anyone could interpret a dream but the dreamer though, so I don't put much faith in the interpretations of others.

Off and on during my life I have kept a dream journal. The first step toward having time travel dreams and remembering them would be to practice remembering dreams. I've found the best way to do that is to thoroughly review your dreams when you first wake up, before moving or thinking about anything else. Review the dream in detail and commit it to memory. If you don't, then later you're likely to remember you dreamed but you won't recall the details.

You can try to dream in a different time indirectly or directly. An indirect approach would be to think about it a lot, desire it intensely so that there's emotional energy involved, ask you subconscious to help you experience time travel dreams, and keep doing those things until your desire makes into your subconscious and causes the experience you want. The direct approach would be to learn how to experience lucid dreams and then while you're lucid in a dream intentionally travel to a different time.

I performed a few searches and can list some web sites to help get you started. I'm not endorsing these sites or their authors, just sharing them for their ideas:

How To Control Your Dreams (This site offers a free newsletter and course on how to have lucid dreams.)

Let’s Talk About Time Travel

World Dream Bank: Time

Time Travel

I hope you find some of the information on those sites helpful. Good luck! Thanks for posting.


Anonymous said...

ive always been a lucid dreamer lol...and im pretty positive I've had an OBE (short lived, I got scared)...but last night was different. I went back in time. a time where my boyfriend didn't exist. I woke up in my dream wearing the same pajamas as in real life, and it was my bedroom exactly just minus my bf. but I remembered that he was lying there when I fell asleep and I began to panic. I think I just knew that I went back in time. I lived with my best friend Gina and I was trying frantically to convince her that I was in another "dimension" and I need her to help me get back! But she didn't believe me and I was scared that I was gonna be stuck there! I didn't get to the point that I realized my physical body was indeed laying in bed next to my bf...the only dream I can control right now are the ones where I'm flying out of control. im so scared that I think I have no choice but to control it. I concentrate and I can slow down and I'm fully aware I'm dreaming. it's so cool!!! I always tell myself I want to do it again...but today's dream really messed with my head! I truly felt that I could get stuck there.

Jon Maloney said...

That sounds like a neat experience you had. I've read a lot of books about astral projection, many of which talk about the fear of not coming back. Usually feeling the fear ends the experience. I have the opposite problem. I want to stay out, experiment, and explore as long as possible, but I'm always jerked back to my body when I feel like I'm still just getting started. Whenever I try to take active control of the experience it ends, so I try to stay passive and just flow with it without trying to control it. Occasionally that results in an interesting experience, but usually I come back too soon anyway. Thanks for sharing your experience. - Jon