Monday, June 11, 2007

Intentional Astral Projection

1972, day unknown

I lay on my back in bed at night and tried to astral project. I wanted to visit a good friend who lived several miles away on the other side of a lake.

I separated and flew straight up through the second floor and the attic. I was looking down as I rose. I stopped rising perhaps fifty feet above the tallest nearby oak trees. I could see the streetlight by the road in front of my house. The lamp's glow was dim and surrounded by gray mist.

I remembered my goal of visiting my friend. As soon as I thought of my friend I began flying through the air toward his house. The town beneath me was shrouded in gray fog. I seemed to be flying about 30 miles per hour. I enjoyed the sensation of flying above the town, and then the lake. I flew much lower as I crossed the lake. I saw a faint glowing light reflected on the lake's surface. I wondered if it was a reflection of me or of the moon. My speed slowed and I began descending. I watched the reflected glow as I got closer and closer to the water. I tried to fly upwards, but I couldn't alter my course.

I hit the surface of the lake and snapped back into my body violently. My heart was pounding and I felt nauseous. I rushed to the bathroom thinking I was going to vomit. I did not. The feeling of nausea lasted several minutes.

Copyright 2007 Jon Maloney

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