Saturday, July 28, 2007

Astral Projection with Dual Consciousness

Monday August 12, 1985

I lay on my back trying to astral project from 10:30 PM to 12:30 AM. At 12:30 I gave up and decided to go to sleep. I rolled onto my stomach and turned my head to the left. A couple of minutes later I felt the internal motion sensations I've learned to associate with astral body separation. I felt my astral body move away from my physical body. My vision was very fuzzy. There was a faintly-illuminated, out-of-focus object in the center of my field of vision. It was as if I was looking through spun glass or cotton. The illuminated area in the center caused a tunnel-like effect in my perception. The object I was trying to focus on looked like it was five or six feet away.

I moved my head to get better focus and several things happened at once -- the object I was looking at moved, I became disoriented momentarily, and everything went black. A few seconds later I felt somewhat stabilized and my vision returned. I could see the light object I'd been looking at. It was my physical head! My head was lifted slightly up off the pillow and looking at me. My physical eyes were open. Suddenly I was aware and perceiving from both bodies simultaneously. Through my physical eyes I could see the bedside table and the bedroom wall directly behind the table. Astrally I could see my physical face looking at me. I felt disoriented for a few seconds and then stabilized.

I realized that to see my physical body from the angle and distance my view indicated, I was seeing through the bedroom wall and the bedside table. I wondered if those physical obstacles were why my vision was so poor. However astral vision works, I was looking through solid objects to see my body. Then I wondered if the gray fuzziness was because I was looking through my astral cord. I studied the area between me and my body trying to ascertain whether or not there was a cord. I couldn't see a cord and deduced that if one was there I was looking straight down it.

I kept feeling unstable like the experience was about to end. I guessed that the instability was because I was only five or six feet from my body. I figured if I could get away I could extend and clarify the experience. I visualized my best friend sleeping in bed and myself standing next to his bed. Nothing happened. I tried to fly straight up into the air like Superman, but was jostled and disoriented again by movements in both bodies. I looked at my face again and realized what was so unnerving. My past experiences of looking at my own face were always in a mirror. When I look in a mirror my reflection always does exactly what I do, but opposite. If I move my right the mirror image moves its left. In this situation my face and upper body were making the same movements I was making in the astral, which was very unmirror-like. When I moved my astral right, my body moved its physical right. That difference was quite disorienting.

At least three times, I tried to move and briefly became disoriented. Finally I made another strong attempt to fly away. The result was feeling motion and a big jolt. Suddenly I was completely back in the physical, propped up on my right elbow, and staring at the wall behind the bedside table. The bizarre experience was over.

Copyright 2007 Jon Maloney

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