Sunday, May 31, 2009

Astrally Tricked & Attacked

Saturday March 8, 1997

I had just completed a hard, exhausting week. I was lying on my back in bed with my hands clasped loosely on my chest. I suddenly felt an unmistakable presence in front of me (above me). I felt two hands grasp my own, gently, as if someone were in front of me holding my right hand with his left hand and my left hand with his right hand. Although I felt apprehensive, I intentionally remained passive. I consciously decided to flow with whatever was going to happen.

I felt the warmth and pressure of each of the stranger's hands. Then I felt love and comfort emanating from the being in front of me. Slowly, the hands lifted my hands and split them apart, lifting my arms to the sides away from my chest. As soon as my chest was exposed the hands violently jabbed at my chest, pressing hard around my breastbone and stabbing the hard fingers between my ribs. It was malevolent. I realized I had been tricked. Although the continued attack was uncomfortable, I remained passive and wondered if people who die of heart attacks in their sleep are really killed by attacks from other-dimensional beings. I felt like the entity was trying to get inside my chest, or take something out of my chest. At some point the discomfort of the attack became too uncomfortable to bear. I tried to bring my hands back onto my chest to shield it. As soon as I tried to move my arms the experience ended. I no longer sensed the other being, nor did I feel pressure on my chest. My physical hands and arms had never moved. My physical hands were still loosely clasped on my chest.

Copyright 2009 Jon Maloney


Who was that masked writer? said...

Jon-- are these attacks from spirit beings or could they be from other human astral travelers? Thanks.

Jon Maloney said...

Interesting question. From my own reading and intuition I would say that attackers are other-dimensional beings who probably are not human and have never been human. There are many myths and legends about non-physical, non-human entities attacking people while the people sleep. These entities want to experience physical life or at least absorb energy from a living human. Some entities try outright possession of the human. Incubi and succubi try to absorb energy and experience physicality by having sex with sleeping humans. There are stories of evil beings who suck the life force from the mouths of sleeping babies. I think the origin of the practice of covering our mouths when we yawn is to prevent evil spirits from entering our bodies and to prevent our own spirits from exiting our bodies. Some entities thrive on the fear energy they can provoke in their victims.

There's enough historical lore about non-human entities attacking sleeping humans that I'd be surprised if many such attacks are from living humans astral travelling. What would be the motive and what could be gained? However, having said that, one of my own experiences could be interpreted as an astral attack from another human, and I was the unwitting attacker:
Projection with Verification.

Astral attacks like the ones I've posted make me wonder if we are frequently attacked in our sleep, but we are unaware of it because we are not conscious. In fact, I'm not sure whether our state of consciousness makes any difference. Could it be that we are subjected to attacks and harassment from nonphysical entities all the time? Could some people's physical and psychological ailments be due to constant nonphysical attacks?

Thanks for posting.

Retta said...

I Ap all the time I do get attacked quite often but I fight back because in Astral what whatever your thoughts are you can project instantly so I think of light weapons to defend myself also protect yourself by placing a suit of protection on before you astral. These beings live in the 4th dimension that attack they are mostly Grey ET and Reptiles Et these entities are evil and not good dont waste your time trying to talk to them they hate us and wish to destroy humanity if you see them fight. also to avoid seeing them when you astral stay in the higher like 5th dimension when you stay closer to earth you will see them everywhere and also the place you go.

Jon Maloney said...

Thanks for your comments, Retta. I have never learned to control my projections. My longest experiences are when I remain passive and just go with the flow to see what happens. Usually if I try to actively take over what is happening I lose the projection.

Retta said...

Hey Jon
You can very much control your Astral Experience I learned that the very first time I decided to go w/ it so to speak I have my own blog where I will share my experiences also As Cynthia Crawford stated to me on the phone that the ability I have takes many years to control and understand the Astral Plane but I naturally understood what was possible I guess this is a gift that I am willing to share