Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Waking Telepathy

June 28, 2003 Saturday night

I was visiting my family in North Carolina where we were celebrating both my mother's and older brother's birthdays at the same gathering. I was concerned about how my brother would react to one of my gifts to him, our Great Uncle Len's World War I bugle. My brother is the keeper of the family's genealogy records. I was afraid he would resent the gift, thinking he should have had possession of the bugle all along. I had wrapped the bugle in a large box.

The gifts were separated into two piles, one pile for my mother and one pile for my brother. One of my gifts to my mother was wrapped in a shoe box. As my mother began removing the wrapping, my brother blurted out, "It's a bugle!" The box was much too small to hold a bugle. My brother had no idea why he had blurted out that it was a bugle. He was astounded when he opened my gift to him, saw the bugle, and remembered what he had said a few minutes earlier.

Copyright 2010 Jon Maloney

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