Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Dream Telepathy

December 3, 2004 Friday

Friday morning I dreamt of an old friend who moved to Arizona. In my dream we were painting a wall with cream-colored paint. Then we were in a cluttered area looking for rattlesnakes. He yelled "There he is! There he is!" and caught a rattlesnake. He quickly inserted his shotgun down the length of the snake's body, pointing away from him, and began firing. As he fired he said that's the way they cook snake meat in the wild. Then he stopped firing and was holding some long sandwiches, like hotdogs or hoagies, instead of a snake and a shotgun. I was amazed. As soon as he saw the look on my face he broke out laughing, real hard. The whole thing had been a prank. There was no snake. He laughed and laughed uncontrollably.

I sent my friend an email telling him about my dream. He said a few days before (less than a week) he had been at his mountain cabin with two male relatives who were helping him build an addition onto the cabin. One of the guys came running out of the junky basement storage area saying he heard something move down there. My friend thought it might be a rattlesnake, since they are common in that area. So my friend and the guy went into the basement looking for the snake. My friend kept picking up pipe sections and pointing them down and away from him as he shook them to make a snake fall out if there was one inside. Then he heard something and looked in time to see a mouse run behind a cardboard box. He said he instantly knew the mouse had been the cause of the noise his relative had heard earlier. My friend said he yelled "Look out!" and screamed "Ahhhhhhh!" pointing at the mouse. His relative jumped and spun in the air to face the mouse in a boxer's fighting stance. (He used to be a boxer.) My friend said it looked so funny he laughed real hard until tears were running down his face. He said, "I laughed so hard I cried and tears were just streaming down my face. I told that story to our wives, friends the next night, and so on each time crying when I recounted Dick's 'fighting stance jump' with mice attacking."

Copyright 2010 Jon Maloney

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