Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Spirit Communication

Friday January 1, 1999 about 3:00 AM

Before turning out the light I read the book Projections of the Consciousness by Waldo Vieira. (See Vieira, Waldo Projections of the Consciousness: A Diary of Out-of-Body Experiences Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: International Institute of Projectiology and Conscientiology, 1997.) A good friend of mine had died a few hours before, at about 5:00 PM on December 31. I had meditated on my friend's behalf several times during the previous week and earlier that evening. In Projections of the Consciousness, spirits communicated with the author as he slept. They awakened him directly following the communication so the knowledge would be fresh in the author's mind and he could record it. I requested spirits to communicate with me in the same fashion. I breathed deeply, performed progressive muscular relaxation, and asked the spirits to help my friend in his transition.

I awakened abruptly at 3:00 AM with a spirit communication fresh in my mind. I realized the spirit had done exactly as I had asked. I expressed my gratitude to the spirit as I reached for my tape recorder to record the information.

The spirit said that a group of spirits was awaiting my friend's spirit when his physical body died. His spirit was disoriented for awhile, but the other spirits helped him. Under the group's assistance his spirit stabilized quickly. He accepted his new condition and was adapting rapidly. He was doing well. Continued progress in his new phase of existence seemed certain. The spirit decided to convey this information to me because of my repeated requests on my friend's behalf. I asked the spirit if I could say "Goodbye" to my friend. The spirit said, "You already have."

Copyright 2009 Jon Maloney

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