Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Saw Cat's Astral Body

February 19, 2000

Twice while meditating in a chair in my living room, I have seen my cat, Charlie, walking around my feet. Both times Charlie was really sleeping on the nearby couch. Today I had the most dramatic sighting of Charlie's astral body yet, which prompted this journal entry.

I was sleeping late on a Saturday morning. I was lying on my back with my left arm on top of the covers. Charlie was nestled between my upper arm and my side. At one point I woke slightly because Charlie was moving. I opened my eyes and saw that he had moved his head down close to my hand. I moved my left hand a little to stroke Charlie's neck and chin. I was startled when my hand went right through Charlie's neck and hit the covers. The Charlie that I had tried to pet had disappeared. The physical Charlie was still nestled in the crook of my arm and had not moved.

Copyright 2009 Jon Maloney


Anonymous said...

The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.


Jon Maloney said...

Thank you for commenting.
I'm glad someone reads my posts.


Anonymous said...

My cat did this Jedi mind trick on me yesterday.
He is 14 yrs old and yesterday was very sick, throwing up etc.
He eventually was worn out and went to sleep in living room.
I went in basement to try and get some projects done.
After about an hour, I’m up on a ladder and look over and see him walking by his food bowl.
I don’t want him in basement because I’m working so I stop what I am doing, put down my drill and got off the ladder and look all over basement for him. Cant find him.
I would bet a $1000 I saw him walking by his food area.

Eventually I gave up and went upstairs and found him sound asleep where I last saw him.

This was so real to me I googled it today and stumbled onto your post.

Very Interesting.

Jon Maloney said...

That's great. You must have been in a highly-sensitive state as you worked or your psychic abilities must be more developed than most people's. It's neat that you saw your cat's astral body while you were wide awake. It must have seemed real for you to follow up and search for similar experiences online. I suggest that you begin practicing dream recall when you first awaken. You should also keep a log of apparent instances of telepathy and other psychic phenomena, like deja vu, strong hunches that come true, etc. You'll be surprised at how fast experiences like that accumulate, and how being alert to them causes them to happen more often.

Thanks for commenting.


Unknown said...

Last night I was sleeping and woke up to the sound of my roommates cat climbing on my bed and felt him sniffing my head. When I looked up to pet him, nothing was there. Cats are mystic creatures.

Creatrix said...

I have an indoor/outdoor cat who does this with some regularity. She usually comes around for dinner, but occasionally she stays out all night. I think she sends her "astral body" to check in be cause on numerous occasions I have seen her waiting to come in through the window (a habit of hers) vividly enough that I have begun talking to her as I open the screen only to realize that she isn't there. This particular cat is unlike any I've ever had. She's all black and was named Halloween by her previous owner, my neighbor. Halloween adopted me and, with the neighbors blessing, I adopted her back. I've never seen cats as being particularly magical, but Halloween has put that to the test! I'm a skeptic, so I recognize that my experience really could just be my half-sleeping mind wishing the cat home, but it sure is very strange!

Jon Maloney said...

I like your story. Thanks for posting, Creatrix.

Anonymous said...

My cat has been doing that for a while its mostly when i put her up a night. tonight i put her in the bathroom that is next to my babies room kissed my daughter and as i passed by the bathroom again i saw her step out of the door way my first thought was i guess i didnt shut the door. before i could turn around i new i did so i glanced back and of course it was closed so i just went to bed and decided to do some research the jedi mind trick thing cracks me up because it is deffinatly a strange feeling when it happens my self i have been astral projecting since i was a child never really considered astral kitties i wonder if i can hang out with her.

Anonymous said...

I have so many other stories i have be waiting to find a place if any one knows a good site for chatting about phenomenon such as these i would love to know

Anonymous said...

I think cats try to help up to reach the astral lvls lol if they deem us worthy

Anonymous said...

Deem us worthy

Jon Maloney said...

I like your story about seeing your cat come through the bathroom door. I think cats spend a lot more time in the astral world than humans do. Maybe that's why they sleep so much. Thanks for posting. - Jon

Catichoux said...

Glad to read others have had this experience. We have had the same happen in our house even though it is quick and we have no time to see which cat it is. Just a shadow going by but we find ourselves looking behind doors and around the room to see if it is real.

My children have also had this experience with cats.

All very strange but there is something to it I am sure.

cantfindmykeys said...

I was sitting up in bed scratching a lottery ticket when I saw movement to my side. I looked up to see my cat walking towards me as he always does to jump on the bed. As I was thinking I had surely shut both my bedroom door and the door at end of hallway to living room (that's 2 closed doors to keep the cat from being able to enter the bedroom) I wondered why he hasn't yet jumped onto the bed. He never goes under the bed. He's too big to squeeze under there comfortably. So where was he? How did he open 2 doors?? I'm on my knees and standing on furniture calling "Kitty kitty!?" for ten minutes. And there he was..not. I looked in all the closets and under bedding and every possible place a cat could hide. Or even a mouse could hide.
Then I scratch my head and leave the room thru 2 CLOSED doors and see him fast asleep on the screened porch wicker couch. Hey, I'm not prone to delusions and I know what I saw. It was my cat. As real as he can be.

Jon Maloney said...

That's a great story, cantfindmykeys. I think these similar stories people have posted in the comments show why cats have been considered mystical creatures for thousands of years. They live in a different world than we mere humans. :-)

Thanks for posting.


Anonymous said...

Last Night I came home very early around 4 AM. I was High so I could feel more intesive about anything. I thought of going upstairs to sit on the computer but then i saw my cat Bella (Gray to Blue with White colors and her eyes are Yellow like Egypt). Even thought she is in-door she goes out often for a short of time and come back she's never lost or gone (If we forget to open her the door she climb up to my room and i open her). So when i saw her and thought about her i decide to sit down on the couch and let her decide weather she want to come near me, because I know if i make thoughts of wanting her near me she will not come so I started thinking as she was a Girl. Eventually i managed make her feel I want her near me without putting pressure to my demand and she came! She sit near me and as I was watching Television I started taking in account my breathing, how conscious my rhythm is and what energy vibe I am on. Eventually i put my focus on her and my faith on Telepathy as is the only way we could communicate even thought I would say she uses the ability of Telepathy about 100% and I only near 8% ( I can't be accurate about me but for Bella yes). Then i started feel the connection since we have Bella since she was young ( 2 months) and on Christmas Last year (2011 going 2012) I had a joint (Weed, Haze 40% Paranoia, I feel guilty now that I think about it ;p) and share it with her! ( I had my leather Jacket and put her inside so she is warm and i was blowing her not in-haled air near her nose. All I know that day we build a small connection as later I was laying in bed and she came and sit in front of me watching me in my eyes and maybe cursing me for what I did, and I won't do it again. Going back to last night, as I said because I was high i could feel more, and then I thought about Bella as she is some Human with all the capacities and potentials. She started bathing her body and when she came to clean her ears I made a click that she is connected with us since Ancient Egypt maybe through the pyramids and the Astral Projection Theories which I believe. She made me believe we understand each other and every thought I had could ready it. I really believe they could talk if they could or if they could take advantage our language they would transfer thoughts and images and symbols we understand, it only take awareness and believe to make this possible. Thanks and I wait for some discussion about it since If a simple thought by one human is born it can be born already to other humans.

Jon Maloney said...

Hi Chris, When my cat Charlie was still living it was obvious to me that he could often read my thoughts. Here's an example that comes to mind. I was lying in bed on my back trying to go to sleep. Charlie was between my left arm and my body. His butt was up near my face and his head was down near my hand. I wanted Charlie to turn around to get his butt out of my face, but I didn't move or say anything. Charlie stood up, turned so that his head was up near mine, and lay back down. At the time it was clear he had read my thoughts. Thanks for posting. - Jon

Anonymous said...

Oh and since yesterday I started to think about the connection, yesterday when my mother was cleaning the trees and some pots (She's vegan and loves nature&cats) outside the house Bella was gone for a bit and I thought about look for her, Inside the house was my other cat her name is Balloon (She is very beautiful also but needs an operation on stomach because of a problem she has). Balloon was sleeping maybe consciously(maybe 100% consciously) and Bella was out (not in my sight or so near that she could hear my psi psi psi psi) and there was other cats around the house which they are ours but out-door! I started making thoughts for Bella intensive, about her name and our relationship. I thought about the place I am standing how it look by the possible viewpoint Bella will look when she comes, how her face look, and I put some emotion on my images That I was hopping i could transfer. Eventually some comes approach me and they was mewing to me like i draw them, and after a little bit there! Bella came to the house and yes it was the viewpoint I imagined for her to be looking from that side and after I noticed that Balloon must heard my "whispers" because she woke up, but my mother has huge amount of love for cats and especially for the small one and she kiss her and cuddle with her. Thanks, long story But with some points where you see (Telepathy, Astral Projection If Cats actually do So and Dogs)

Anonymous said...

With the right way, I can notice a lot more examples. As yesterday after I woke up from that night, I started to feel more friendly with all cats. I was home then i knew that Bella was outside and while i was at Kitchen's window I started whispering and thinking about Bella and how her viewpoint will look when she comes near the window (The images exactly as it will appear to her) and eventually she came, not only that but the other cat we have who is indoor only, was sleeping and he woke up. Today I was angry about something and when i sat on the couch the small cat came near me and stayed after she was absorbing my sad and angry thoughts, I didn't let her absorb all of my bad energy as she is small yet.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I came to this site for one reason only. I never thought about cats and astral projection together until my cat kept showing up where she couldn't have gotten to. She will be somewhere then almost immediately somewhere else always without being seen getting there. Whenever I think of her, she is suddenly right there. It's wierd, very wierd.

Jon Maloney said...

Hi. I hope you enjoyed the post and comments. I think cats are much more active astrally than humans. Thanks for posting. - Jon

Unknown said...
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Brianna said...

Thats happened to me too! We were leaving our house one day and i went around putting things away so our cat couldnt get to them and ruin them with his sharp nails while we were gone, i opened a closet (with sliding doors on it) to toss something in there for safe keeping and was SHOCKED to see my cat in there! How on earth he got in there is still a mystery to me. He had never been in there before nor since. I was literally rooted to the spot from the shock.

Anonymous said...

I have definitely experienced a cat using astral projecting ... I call the their phantoms.

They send them out to check out where the best option for food, warmth, comfort, a bit of private or a warm body ... whatever it is they want at the time, once phantom has found ideal spot, they head there.

I've seen him, heard him, only to find out he is not there, then at times soon after he appears for real and demands what it is he is after.

When he left forever ( a very painful time)... his phantom stayed for a bit, just at the perfect times to time to comfort me.

They are far more connected to the astral plane than we can ever learn in a lifetime.

Clever, reward they;re manipulating in such a way ... you are hopeless to succomb.

Oct 2019