Friday, May 29, 2009

Projection with Experimentation

Friday September 29, 1995

As I brushed my teeth before bed Friday night, I thought about how I had not had an astral projection experience for awhile and that it was time I had another experience. Then I went to bed. A few minutes after turning out my light I felt dizzy and then like I was spinning. Next, I was standing in my childhood bedroom in Davidson, North Carolina. The room was not the same as it was when I grew up in it, nor did it match the room's current look. I had both arms outstretched in front of me with my palms facing forward. I studied the backs of my hands and fingers. I experimented. I wiggled my fingers and then made my fingers grow as I wiggled them. Soon, each finger was about a foot long. I was playing with my astral body and it was humorous.

I walked around the room's perimeter. I stopped in front of a rectangular mirror on the wall. It was about head high. I was amazed by the three-dimensional depth and clarity of the images in the mirror. I examined the images of all the things in the room behind me, rather than my own reflection. I lost lucidity. My memory of the event ends there.

Copyright 2009 Jon Maloney

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