Monday, September 17, 2007

Dream Telepathy

Sunday January 4, 1987

My best friend dreamt he was walking along a lake shore when a giant salamander attacked him. He took evasive action and blocked the salamander's bite with his arm. The teeth were short and rough so the bite merely abraded the skin of my friend's forearm. He was concerned that the bite might be poisonous.

The same night I dreamt I was swimming in a shallow bay when I spotted a shark's fin. I swam to the nearest shore to avoid the shark. As I climbed out of the water onto the bank I cut my left forearm on something sharp. I examined the wound (which was not bad), however, I was concerned about the possibility of infection.

Parallels: bay/lake, evasive action from dangerous water creature, minor wound on forearm, concern over complications with wound.

Copyright 2007 Jon Maloney

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