Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Projection with Dual Consciousness

Saturday June 28, 1986

I was trying to sleep late but the screams from children at the swimming pool in the complex's courtyard kept disturbing me. I was trying to get back to sleep when I felt my astral body separating. Suddenly I was flying through outer space. I did not experience a break in consciousness. I watched the distant, unevenly-spaced stars in all directions as I flew. Then I noticed I was not flying straight but following a faint curved trail I could barely perceive in the blackness ahead. At one point I slowed down quickly, changed direction, and accelerated to my previous speed. Finally there was an abrupt deceleration followed by a gentle feeling of sinking. The blackness around me was filled with tiny white spots moving upwards. I could not tell if I was moving down through them or if I was stationary and they were rising past me. They were too close to be stars. They reminded me of carbonation bubbles floating toward the surface of a drink.

Then I was standing near the center of a room facing one of the corners. The room felt familiar, like I belonged there. There was a large, slightly slanted, drafting table with a long fluorescent light attached. To the right of the drafting table was a desk. On the left were floor-to-ceiling shelves. The shelves, table, and desk were all cluttered with stacks of books and papers. As I examined the room I could feel myself lying in bed and I could hear the children at the swimming pool. I realized the room must not be real. I tried blinking to see if the room would change. It did not. Then I decided to look behind me so that if the room was a product of my mind it would have to be recreated when I looked forward again. I shifted my perception to behind me and then forward. The room was different. Instead of the previous furniture there was a bed piled with unsorted laundry. For some reason I believed the new room to be more accurate than the previous one. I felt like I needed to perform more tests to figure out where I really was. Then I was startled by a child's scream at the swimming pool and found myself wide awake in bed. The experience was over.

Copyright 2007 Jon Maloney

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